Editorship accepts for publication articles in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages.

Requirements for the original copyright: fields: lower, upper 2 cm, right 1,5 cm, left 3 cm. Editor: MS Word. Headset: Times New Roman, font size (size) 14. The scope of Articles 12 pages, in agreement with the editorship volume of the article can be increased.

In the upper left corner it is necessary to  indicate the UDC, in the lower right corner (through 1 line) - name, surname (s) of the author (s). Through one line must be given the title of the article in printed (capital) letters in the middle of the pater. Trough 1 line after the title of the article in italics  must be given the abstract in Ukrainian (at least 900 1000 signs) and key words (8-10), through 1 line ‑ abstract in Russian (at least 900 1000 signs) and key words (8-10 ), through 1 line abstract in English (at least 2 thousand. signs) and key words (8-10).

For printing are accepted the articles, which were never previously published, meet the requirements of HAC and metric standards of scientific databases and necessarily contain the following elements:

–       stating of the problem in general and its relationship to the important scientific and practical tasks;

–       analysis of the recent researches and publications in which the problem have been discussing and on which the author make references, pointing out of still unsolved earlier aspects of the problem, to which the article is dedicated (1/3 page);

–       formulation of article purposes problem definition (5-10 lines);

–       description of the fundamental information of a research with complete substantiation of scientific results (5-6 pages of typescript), the main text of the article must be given below, in 2 lines.

–       conclusions and prospects for further research in this area.

The figures and formulas preferably must be inserted in the text by using appropriate tools of editor MS Word.

Requirements for execution of the literature

References in the text must be given in brackets and include:
name of the author (s) with the corresponding position in the reference list;

–       after comma the year of publication;

–       after the colon the page number with the symbol in the appropriate language.

Example: [Zhyzhek, 2002: p. 26], [Dawkins, 1989: p. 126] [Buren, Obukhiv, Tsarenko, 2003: p. 115].

–       In reference to the publication, given in the list of literature without specifying the author, it is necessary to give the first words of the title or its abbreviation (which you must specify in bibliography).


[Philosophical Encyclopedic …, 1983: p. 220] or [FES, 1983: p. 220],

Savchenko, 2008 - Savchenko O. Ya. Personality oriented training / O.Ya. Savchenko // Encyclopedia of Education / Academy Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; [chief ed. V. H. Kremen]. K .: Yurinkom Inter, 2008. P. 626-627.

REFERENCES (transliteration)

Savchenko, 2008 Savchenko O. Ya. Osobystisno oriyentovane navchannya / O. Ya. Savchenko // Entsyklopediya osvity / Akademiya ped. nauk Ukrayiny; [holovnyy red. V. H. Kremen ']. - K .: Yurinkom Inter, 2008. S. 626-627. On-line transliteration: https://slovnyk.ua/services/translit.php

On a separate sheet in a single copy it is necessary to point the data about the author: first name, surname, patronymic, academic degree and rank, position, place of work, full postal address, office and contact telephone number, e-mail address. If two or more authors, the data on the second and others served with a new line. Article is submitted in 2 copies, printed and electronic, e-mail address given below.

Address:. Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Sukhomlynskyi Str., 30, Teaching and research department, «Humanitarian Bulletin», 08401. Articles to the Collection must be given with the review. More detailed requirements are shown on the site of Humanitarian Bulletin: www.gymvisnuk.com or by Telephone: (04567) 5-46-44.

E-mail address: gvphdpu@ukr.net

The editorial board does not consider the articles, designed not in accordance with the requirements