KOTSUR V. P., Doctor of History, Professor, Member of the NAPS of Ukraine.
ANDERSONE R., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor (Latvia);
VASHULENKO M. S., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Member of the NAPS of Ukraine;
VOLKOV L. V., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor;
DOBROSKOK I. I., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor;
TOKMAN H. L., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor;
SHAPRAN O. I., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor.
BULAKH I. S., Doctor of Psychology, Professor;
KORNIYAKA O. M., Doctor of Psychology, Professor;
KALMYKOVA L. O., Doctor of Psychology, Professor;
KUZMENKO V. U., Doctor of Psychology, Professor;
MANOHA I. P., Doctor of Psychology, Professor;
MIRSKI A., Ph. D. in Psychology (Poland);
TATENKO V. A., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Associate Member of the NAPS of Ukraine.
ANDRUSCHENKO V. P., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Member of the NAPS of Ukraine, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
BAZALUK O. O., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor;
KINTSANS V. P., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Latvia);
KOTSUR N. I., Doctor of History, Professor;
RYK S. M., Ph. D., Associate Professor (Deputy Editor);
STADNYK M. M., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor;
STOHNIY I. P., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor;
YAROSHOVETS V. I., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor;
KOZHUKHOVSKA L. P., Ph. D. of Pedagogy, Associate Professor (Executive Secretary).